I want you to see it, it's one of the most impressive and sentimental photographies of this problem, that is almost under control right now ;)
we give information and picture wallpaper : Windows XP, Nice Wallpaper XP, Windows 3D, Windows 7, Windows Desktop, Windows Natural XP and more
By Djenar Siti
I want you to see it, it's one of the most impressive and sentimental photographies of this problem, that is almost under control right now ;)
By Djenar Siti
By Djenar Siti
'Buat 1 Command button
'Buat 1 label
'buat 1 textbox
'truss copy deh coding ini ke dalam form code....
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Label1 = ConversiDetik(Me.Text1)
End Sub
Public Function ConversiDetik(ByVal detik As Long) As String
Dim Pdetik As Long
Dim Ldetik As Long
Dim LJam As Long
Dim Lmenit As Long
Dim Tdetik As Long
Pdetik = detik
Ldetik = Pdetik \ 86400
Pdetik = Pdetik - (Ldetik * 86400)
LJam = Pdetik \ 3600
Pdetik = Pdetik - (LJam * 3600)
Lmenit = Pdetik \ 60
Pdetik = Pdetik - (Lmenit * 60)
Tdetik = Pdetik
ConversiDetik = IIf(detik >= 86400, Ldetik & " hari ", vbNullString) & _
IIf(detik >= 0, Format(LJam, "0#") & ":", vbNullString) & _
Format(Lmenit, "0#") & ":" & Format(Tdetik, "0#")
End Function
'selamat mencoba...
By Djenar Siti
Dim jmlsalah As Single
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Me.Text1 = "12345" Then
MsgBox "Selamat, password anda benar"
MsgBox "Maaf, Anda salah memasukan Password"
If jmlsalah >= 4 Then
MsgBox "Maaf, Anda sudah 5 kali salah memasukan Password"
jmlsalah = jmlsalah + 1
End If
End If
End Sub
By Djenar Siti
Private Sub cmbFormat_Click()
On Error Resume Next
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlCFScreenFonts Or cdlCFEffects
txtKata.FontName = CommonDialog1.FontName
txtKata.FontSize = CommonDialog1.FontSize
txtKata.FontBold = CommonDialog1.FontBold
txtKata.FontItalic = CommonDialog1.FontItalic
txtKata.ForeColor = CommonDialog1.Color
txtKata.FontStrikethru = CommonDialog1.FontStrikethru
txtKata.FontUnderline = CommonDialog1.FontUnderline
End Sub
By Djenar Siti
Wallpaper XP with avalon leaf background. Suitable for natural desktop wallpaper. Click to download freely.
By Djenar Siti
Tonight, as usual, I upgraded my box with the good yaourt and what an Easter Surprise I got?... Xorg 1.6 was in [extra] and in that very moment I no more needed to use testing packages to make my laptop work in all its grace!
Here you are the notice directly from Archlinux news:
Xorg-server 1.6.0 and its related drivers will make their move to extra.
This new release features input device properties, DRI2 and kernel
modesetting (KMS). Note that DRI2 and KMS are only implemented by the
Intel driver at this moment.
This release also comes with a new driver: xf86-video-intel-legacy. This
driver is an old intel driver version, patched to support recent
xorg-server versions. This driver should be used by people having
problems with the newer xf86-video-intel driver.
People still using xorg-server 1.4.2 are advised to upgrade and replace intel or i810 drivers with the legacy driver.
By Djenar Siti
Anda pengguna SQL Server 2008? Ada kabar baru menyambangi redaksi kami kali ini. Microsoft akhirnya mengeluarkan SQL Server Service Pack I, yang tidak banyak memiliki fitur baru ketika baru saja dirilis. Matthias Berndt, salah satu manajer dari Microsoft mengatakan ini adalah upaya dari Microsoft sendiri untuk mengembangkan fitur database yang lebih lengkap nantinya.
“Tidak ada cerita khusus di balik Service Pack I ini.” Kata Berndt, “Ketika kami menemui vendor yang mengerjakannya, mereka berbicara ‘Hei, Anda harus menunggu SP1 yang sedang dikerjakan Microsoft. Kami sedang membuatnya menjadi lebih kecil dan lebih berisi.”
SQL Server SP 1 terdapat peningkatan fitur yang termasuk di dalamnya Slipstream, Service Pack Uninstall dan Report Builder Click Once. Fitur Slipstream nantinya akan dapat memudahkan administrator untuk instalasi SQL Server 2008 dan Service Pack I secara sekaligus. Tentu saja ini akan mengurangi waktu instalasi, misalnya untuk reboot computer dan tentunya ini akan lebih meningkatkan produktivitas.
Report Builder 2.0 Click Once juga adalah salah satu fitur di dalamnya yang memungkinkan bagi administrator uninstall Service Pack secara terpisah dari databasenya, kata Microsoft secara resmi.
SP1 juga mencakup perbaikan-perbaikan yang ada untuk menyempurnakan SQL Server 2008. Sejak tahun lalu dirilis, SQL Server 2008 sudah diunduh sekitar 3 juta kali. Wuah, angka yang besar sekali yah!
By Djenar Siti
By Djenar Siti
Postcrossing, the postcard crossing project:
The goal of this project is to allow people to receive postcards from all over the world, for free. Well, almost free! The main idea is that: if you send a postcard, you will receive at least one back from a random Postcrosser from somewhere in the world.
Why? Because, like the author, there are lots of people who like to receive real mail. The element of surprise of receiving postcards from different places in the world (many of which you probably have never heard of) can turn your mailbox into a box of surprises - and who wouldn't like that? There are more than 2 million postcards received since 2005!
How does it work?
First, the short version:
1-request an address from the website
2-mail the postcard to the address
3-wait to receive a postcard
4-register the received postcard in the system
The first step is to request to send a postcard. The website will display (and send you an e-mail) with the address of another member and a Postcard ID (e.g.: US-786). You then mail a postcard to that member.
The member receives the postcard and registers it using the Postcard ID that is on the postcard. At this point, you are eligible to receive a postcard from another user. You are now in line for the next person that requests to send a postcard. Where the postcard comes from is a surprise!
You can have up to 5 postcards traveling at any single time. Every time one of the postcards you send is registered, you can request another address. The number of postcards allowed to travel at any single time goes up the more postcards you send!
You can join POSTCROSSING and know lots of places HERE:
By Djenar Siti
By Djenar Siti
By Djenar Siti